{Marriage} Month Three

Sorry for being a bit late on this, but it has been 3 months since we tied the knot! Here is our latest update.

Richey 3 Month Update

Favorite Meals: Cobb Salads AKA Throw Everything in Our Fridge into a Salad w Eggs and Bacon aka Everythinginthekitchensink Salads, lentil stew, turkey sandwiches, and roast chicken.

Favorite Words: Graduation (both mine and John's from API), house guest, write, copyeditor, gumba

Favorite Snacks: 1/2 avocado w/lemon juice and a sprinkle of salt (EPV), Hummus and Pita (JRR)

Favorite TV Shows: We have been on a New Girl kick recently, but are missing the West Wing and will probably return to it soon...

Favorite Movie: This month we loved "Donnie Brasco," hence the mob slang among our buzzwords. If you think John has been walking around this apartment for the past 3 weeks talking to everyone and everything in a thick mobster accent...you are right. Check it out on Netflix. Al Pacino and Johnny Depp? No Brainer. 

Favorite Game: Still Settlers.

Currently Reading: I am still working my way through A Winter's Talealthough I did take a quick break to devour Philippa Gregory's The White Princess (guilty pleasure.) John was still studying his butt off in March so was mainly just reading the Economist when he got a chance, and Exodus. (Just a little light reading...)

Three of my favorite girls: Danielle, Abbey, and Cat

Gallivants: I got to do a bit more gallivanting than John did this past month, since he was stuck studying most of the time. My girlfriends and I took off to New Orleans for a night, which was a blast, and then when John finished API we took a day trip to Fairhope, Alabama. Fairhope is wonderful, and will definitely be a feature here at some point. We also had a fun afternoon at Blackwater, and ate some insane cinnamon rolls

Em + Em climb the Pensacola Lighthouse!

Meanwhile in Pensacola: We would say this past month was definitely challenging, which I wrote more about here, but there were also some wonderful moments and events. One of the best parts of the past month was that a bunch of our best friends came to visit us! In the beginning of the month three of my best girlfriends from college came into town. It was not only so wonderful to see them, but they also kept me distracted (for the most part) from the stress of API. After they left, my wonderful brother Blair and our great friend Danny (Flynn's puppy daddy) came for a few days, which was a blast.  Finally, right in time for John's Flight Suit Friday, one of my oldest and dearest friends, Emily, arrived. As we neared the end of API we were definitely wiped out, but Em spoiled us with incredible food, and we got to go on some fantastic adventures, including our first beach day of the season. Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to come down and visit us, it truly meant the world. We love love loved getting to see you and have you in our new home, as well as give you a glimpse of our life here. 

Blair playing with Flynn on the beach. I adore my little brother, it meant so much that he chose to come hang out with us over his SB!

Other than getting to hang out with some of our best friends, the other highlight of March was John finishing API! Wahoo!! So so  proud of him. 

Over all, our third month was tough in ways we didn't expect, but also full of joy. God is constantly teaching and refining us, both as people and in how we love each other. Thank you for checking in with us!



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