Weekend Links

Happy Saturday! What is everyone up to this weekend? We don't have much going on--John has a big week coming up, but we may head out tonight. Fall has officially made it Florida and the weather has been delightful! We put our duvet on the bed, and have been sleeping with the windows open--the best. We have also been able to take some long runs on the trails near our apartment without completely melting. Needless to say, Flynn is thrilled about the change in season. 

Here are some cool articles I was reading around the web this week, including some amazing music and great advice:

(The first three are from Relevant)

  • 9 things everyone should do when reading the bible
  • Some cool thoughts on the idea of Sabbath
  • 7 Truths about Marriage That You Won't Hear In the Church
  • Have you heard of the BBC Live Lounge? This video of 30 Seconds to Mars performing Rihanna's "Stay" is absolutely mind-blowing. Jared Leto has the most insane voice. 
  • While we are listening to good music....lets watch this again. Brings tears to my eyes every. time. 

Have a great one, party people. 

