Friday Links

Barcelona 2010 | Photo: Author

Happy Friday Friends! Hope it has been a great week. What is everyone up to this weekend? We are staying in tonight because John is in fully study mode as he finally started Primary on Monday. While he studies I will most likely be binge-watching Parenthood on Netflix (recent addiction) or reading this book. On Saturday night we are going out with a bunch of friends for Mexican (aka Margs and banter.) Olé!  

Some Links from the week!

  • This looks so yummy.
  • If you are anything like me than you have to read the book before the movie. Here is a list of all the books being made into movies in 2014. Hop to!
  • The Mirror Phenomenon. Interesting. " If you're a human and married, you may want to consider the following 4 ideas."
  • Trying to educate yourself or branch into a new subject? Check out thiswhich offers e-courses from tons of top colleges and universities for free!
  • To all my Mass friends--Thrillist's list of the 16 best Massachusetts restaurants outside of Boston. Proud to see Gibbet Hill top the list! (Ave Grotonia)
  • This website makes me want to just pack up the Hubby and Flynn and take a spontaneous road trip! How cool?! And practical!

Have a great one, you guys. 

