{Marriage} Month 8

Richey 8 Month Update

Favorite Meals: Breakfast burritos, caprese chicken, and  homemade pizza made with the Publix whole-grain pizza dough--it is AMAZING. 

Favorite Words: Film, Sim, Brand, Aileron Roll, Article

Favorite Snacks: Chobani Oats

Favorite TV Shows: Parenthood--John is up to date, and I am still catching up --mid season 4. So sad that this coming season is the final season! 

Favorite Game: Chess

Currently Reading: John is studying hardcore for contacts, so he hasn't been reading much of anything else. I am ashamed to admit that I didn't read any books last month! I have serious plans to remedy that this coming month, and I am taking suggestions! Have you read anything good recently? Please please please leave a comment if so! 

Gallivants: I spent a weekend in Virginia this past month celebrating my friend's wedding. We also took a day trip down 30A to Seaside and Watercolor, which I am so excited to post about next week! Other than that trip John has mostly been the one gallivanting this month--in the air!! He started his first round of flights for Primary, and is loving flying. Some days I drive on base and watch the T-6's fly over and I just cannot believe that my husband is up there! He is actually so. cool.  

Meanwhile in Pensacola: Other than beginning to experiment with film, not much of anything new went on around here last month! Our life is very full right now--of good things. I cannot believe that Summer is over, (in terms of days, not weather...) it really went by quickly. I for one am still adjusting to not being on a school calendar, so I feel a little bemused heading into Fall without both seasonal weather markers and the first day of school looming. Aaah adulthood... 

Thanks for checking in!



P.S. You can read a little more about this inspiration behind this blog here.  

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